Professional Association Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) logo

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)

Professional Association

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Our education collaborators are working on programs to implement the app in STEM classrooms and clubs for kids and teens nationally and around the world to learn about how engineering shapes our every day lives. Kids and teens in these programs will be invited to connect with engineers through the app so they can meet and interact with professionals in their fields of interest. Please contact us to learn more about the program and how you can participate.

About Us

"Founded in 1920, the Society of American Military Engineers leads collaborative efforts to identify and resolve national security infrastructure-related challenges. With a National Office in Alexandria, Va., and more than 100 local Posts and Field Chapters around the world, the Society unites public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, and contracting and acquisition disciplines in support of America's national security." (source:

Services Provided

Professional Association.

"SAME consists of 105 Posts and more than 50 Student Chapters and Field Chapters around the world along with a headquarters staff." (source:


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