Civil Engineer Emily Warren Roebling
Emily Warren Roebling
Civil Engineer
(1843 - 1903)

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Emily was born on September 23, 1843. She is most well known for her work on the Brooklyn Bridge, the first bridge to span the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City. Emily began her work on the project after the passing of her father-in-law (John A. Roebling) and the illness of her husband (Washington Roebling). Washington Roebling was too ill to visit the site and do much of the work, so Emily decided to take up his work. She oversaw the construction of the bridge and started studying the technical aspects of bridge-building. The bridge opened in 1833, and Emily was the one to ride with then-president Chester Arthur across the bridge. After the Brooklyn Bridge Project was complete, Emily and her family moved to New Jersey. She was able to travel all around the world, meeting esteemed figures such as Czar Nicholas II of Russia and Queen Victoria of England. She returned to Montauk, New York where she worked as a nurse and construction foreman for a camp for soldiers returning from the Spanish-American War. She died on February 28, 1903.


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